Dashboards Showcase

Proudly built with Power BI
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The data for the dashboards are generated for this showcase.
We do not use our client's data.

Click on any dashboards to get to the page and interact with them

Construction Projects

Construction project dashboards can help you monitor your projects more effectively. See ahead with project forecast and cashflow trends, and analyse the costs and budget trends.

Financial Dashboard

Financial dashboards help decision-makers quickly and easily understand the financial performance of the business, identify trends, and make informed decisions to improve financial outcomes.


Provide an overview on employees and overall HR management, including breakdown of demographics, gross salary and years of service


With a sales dashboard, you can keep your team motivated on the goals set, monitor their performance and develop key strategies around your products.

Customer Service

A well-designed dashboard can help you spot trends and rectify issues when your team's performance is slipping or if you require resources in certain areas.

Vehicle Fleet

A healthy vehicle fleet is critical to your operations. A vehicle fleet dashboard can help you keep them in tip-top condition by spotting potential issues.

Inspired to build these for your business?